Anna Haotanto – Financial management is the key to feminism

Anna Haotanto – Financial management is the key to feminism 3

Hi Anna, can you share with our readers the story behind the founding of The New Savvy?

There are quite a few reasons why I wanted to start The New Savvy.

The founding of The New Savvy came from two direct sources of inspiration.

Up to now, your organization has been present in many countries and territories. What can you share with ELLE from your experience working with women in many cultural regions?

It must be said that, although to many different degrees, the problems that women in many countries face are still very similar.

From your research and observations, what are the barriers that women often encounter in financial management?

First of all, I see that women in this era make more money and save more money, but that doesn’t mean they invest or manage their money better.

Women need to make sure they can take care of themselves and be secure in unfortunate and unexpected situations.

Anna Haotanto – Financial management is the key to feminism

Seminars sharing in-depth knowledge and experience about finance, investment, and career are well received by women in many countries.

It is a fact that the majority of senior management positions at companies and corporations are held by men.

I think to eliminate gender bias in leadership positions, we must name those biases.

Anna Haotanto – Financial management is the key to feminism

Tips for living

Questions and answers about financial management: If you want to save, you must discipline yourself

So on a personal level, why do you think women need to have a better understanding of family financial management?

Often in a family, if one person makes more money, he or she will be the one to make decisions for the entire family.

Furthermore, money is often a topic of disagreement between couples, especially in cases where women do not work.

Anna Haotanto

• CEO and founder of The New Savvy

• Member of the founding board of the Singapore FinTech Association and leader of the Women In FinTech and Partnership Committee.

• Investor of many startups.

• Member of the Board of Directors of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Career Women’s Group.

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