The Gucci collection in collaboration with Balenciaga called Aria was introduced by a film made by director Floria Sigismondi with the style of a 90s pop music MV, very trendy, flashy and of course, very fashionable.
(Photo: Gucci)
Creative director Alessandro Michele explains: “Aria is a climax in an opera song, when the singer sings, sometimes without musical accompaniment but still creates the most memorable segment of the whole song.
(Photo: Gucci)
Fashion collection
Alessandro Michele kicks off a new era with the Gucci `Epilogue` collection
The next outfits take viewers back to the peak of `clubbing` culture with jackets and hats printed with the word `Savoy` – the name of a famous hotel in London.
(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)
Throughout the collection, the models hold in their hands a heart-shaped jewelry bag encrusted with sparkling diamonds.
(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)
Of course, the other focus that makes the collection even more anticipated is the rumor from a week ago about a surprise collaboration between Gucci and Balenciga.
(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)
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However, Alessandro Michele has said that this is not a collab project.
(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)
(Photo: Gucci)
Alessandro has always followed and been very impressed by what Demna has been doing at Balenciaga, right from that first collection.
(Photo: Gucci)
Certainly, the fashion items in the Gucci Aria Collection bearing the mark of the two brands that have created a new culture and fashion passion for young people will continuously appear on social networks in the coming days.
(Photo: Gucci)