[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality?

[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality? 1

Have you ever wondered, sometimes you don’t say anything but others know what you would do in that situation?

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

Speech mask

[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality?

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

If you chose your first aboriginal mask, you must be an extremely good communicator.

However, you should not always say what you think.

Laughter mask

[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality?

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

Are you impressed with the laughter mask?

The biggest advantage of your personality is humor.

Angry mask

[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality?

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

If you choose aboriginal mask number 3, it proves that there is an anger in your heart that cannot be released.

However, `living with floods` is not necessarily bad, because thanks to it, you become calmer and know how to control your emotions.

Mask of silence

[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality?

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

You liked this mask at first sight, none other than you are a lover of silence.

You are a secretive person and do not easily open up to new people.

[Quiz] What does an indigenous mask reveal about your personality?


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Warrior mask

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

If you choose aboriginal mask number 5, you are a tenacious warrior.

When you decide to do something, you often put all your heart and soul into using everything you have to achieve your goals whether in a team or alone.

Monk mask

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

If this is your choice, you are a person with extremely sharp intuition.

You have the ability to `see` everything through the eyes of those around you.

Healing mask

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

You cannot take your eyes off this mask, you are the possessor of a heart of gold and the soul of a saint.

Another interesting feature is that you help others without expecting anything in return, you do it simply because that is who you are.

Mask of domination

(Photo: electropiknik.cz)

If you choose the number 8 aboriginal mask, it is clear that you were born to be a leader.

All your actions prove that you are a person with leadership ability, from leading the team in the right direction to always being wise in every decision and your teammates were not wrong in choosing to go with you.

See more:

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