Learn about 50s fashion trends

Learn about 50s fashion trends 3

Women’s fashion in the 1950s reflected a complex combination of conservatism and glamour.

Historical background

During the 1950s, economic profits created a new class of consumers, allowing families to live comfortably on their income.

During this time, television had a great influence on entertainment activities, news, lifestyle and fashion trends.

The New Look

Christian Dior launched the New Look collection in 1947. With its tight-waisted jackets and flared knee-length skirts, New Look was an instant hit, not only recalling a historic mid-19th century style.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

Dior’s New Look design opened a new horizon for women’s clothing

Large skirts need the strong support of a petticoat made from nylon mesh, which is reminiscent of the hoops and iron cages used to puff up the skirts of aristocratic women – a legacy of the 1850s.

Clothing during the war years often had monotonous colors, rough designs and limited fabric use due to material shortages.

Flared skirt and shirt skirt

Suit jackets still appear feminine with tight waist details and flared hips.

On weekdays, women often wear loose skirts without a petticoat, creating a soft, gentle feeling.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

On weekdays, women often wear loose skirts without a petticoat, creating a soft, gentle feeling

Another variation of this style is the waist-cinched shirt dress.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

Shirt dresses of this period had the same style as New Look, made of shirt fabric and had a belt

Particularly dresses with tie necks are often worn at the beach, on summer picnics or at parties.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

Dresses with straps are often worn at the beach

Women wear pants

When women wore pants to work in factories during World War II, they discovered a form of clothing that was free and comfortable.

Women often wear shorts at home or at the beach with blouses or tie-down shirts.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

High-waisted pants, colorful patterns, and bright colors were a favorite item of women during this period

Learn about 50s fashion trends

“Girl holding a bottle of coke” is also a typical image of the 50s

Popular motifs

After the boring colors of the 40s, prints returned with an influx of stripes, flowers, polka dots… Colorful floral dresses became prominent when combined with a simple short-sleeved top.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

Colorful floral dresses become prominent when combined with monochromatic short-sleeved tops

Learn about 50s fashion trends

Girls in the 50s loved the trend of embroidered dresses with embossed patterns


Gloves: A stylishly dressed woman must wear gloves and a hat when leaving the house, even on the most casual occasions.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

A stylishly dressed woman must wear gloves and a hat when leaving the house, even on the most casual occasions.

Hats: Although The New Look introduced wide-brimmed hats, small hats dominated in the 1950s. Small, neat hats decorated with veils became popular in pastel colors.

Glasses: Sunglasses became a fashion statement and took on new design features such as cat-eye glasses with pointed edges and colorful frames.

Jewelry: Classic and discreet.

Learn about 50s fashion trends

Hats, gloves and jewelry are in exquisite harmony

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