Living room interior in minimalist style

Living room interior in minimalist style 0

Suggested living room interior in minimalist style

The living room is like the heart of the house and is also the place that needs the most care.

Minimalist style does not mean using less furniture, it is not to save space and of course it does not mean that the homeowner lacks personality, but on the contrary, it shows an aesthetic sense.

Below are suggestions for choosing and arranging living room furniture in a minimalist style.

1. Determine the purpose of use

Do you want to use the living room entirely as a formal reception area separate from the personal area or consider it a common family living area?

Living room interior in minimalist style

The living room is reserved for receiving guests.

Living room interior in minimalist style

The living room is used for relaxation.

2. Color selection

When it comes to minimalist style, people often think of black and white – two basic colors often called monochrome, which bring a luxurious and modern feeling.

Living room interior in minimalist style

Choose from many colors for a harmonious overall look.

3. Choose furniture

In addition to choosing essential furniture suitable for the intended use, you should prioritize products with geometric textures, smooth surfaces, clean gloss and few details, consistent with the overall design of the room.

Living room interior in minimalist style

Plain, flat furniture with few details fits the minimalist style.

4. Lighting design

Lighting is an indispensable element of a minimalist living room.

Living room interior in minimalist style

Use sunlight or combine multiple light sources for the living room.

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