Men in the dark

Men in the dark 2


Tran Trung Linh once appeared on ELLE Man as a member of a motorbike group traveling for charity purposes.

Previously you were famous for your Pop-art works, so when did you switch to being a film designer?

Yes, I’m an artist.

So you immediately switched to set design, without any transition?

Personally, as someone studying Fine Arts with a team of similar backgrounds, I don’t think a move is necessary.

In your opinion, what are your advantages as an artist who graduated from the University of Fine Arts?

That’s not really my advantage.

Which movie made you change your attitude from watching movies to watching movies?

Trainspotting by Danny Boyle.

What confusion did you encounter at that time?

I looked around and saw that everything was wrong.

And what made you confidently pursue a design career for the past three years?

Well my story is a bit different.

What is your most memorable memory from the movies you made?

It was recently with the movie Teo em.

Do you have any longer-term plans for cinema?

I just finished the short film Butterfly as a director.

Of the films you have made, professionally, which one do you like the most?

Of course, working in Cho Lon’s life is the happiest.

Which director inspires you the most?

Wong Kar Wai and Kim Ki Duk.

It seems that the genre he likes is completely different from the genre he chooses to work in

It also depends on what purpose the film is made for.

So why do you think there is such a big difference?


Which Vietnamese film do you rate highest in terms of aesthetics?

Dong Loc Junction, a beautiful emotional film, and Time Away, a novel are already good, along with the old days of filming on celluloid, every corner, every frame was carefully guarded.

If you need some advice right now for young filmmakers, both independent and making money in theaters, what would your advice be?

Don’t be satisfied with your work, but once you do it, keep doing it.

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