7 types of psychology that reduce the feeling of living happily

7 types of psychology that reduce the feeling of living happily 0

Tips for living

Live happily by stopping comparing yourself to others

Is it true that the older you get, the easier it is to feel happy?

The older people get, the happier they feel.

Results showed that among Americans aged 18, 15 to 33% said they were very happy, with women feeling happier than men.

7 types of psychology that reduce happiness

Although it is said that the older people get, the easier it is for people to feel happy, but this also depends on many other factors, including the types of psychology you need to avoid and overcome to make life more and more satisfying.

7 types of psychology that reduce the feeling of living happily

Photo: Getty

1. Not knowing how to see the positive side

There are many good and positive things in life, but unfortunately most people often ignore or do not realize these things.

2. Lack of trust

After many years of hard work, experiencing many difficulties and failures to enrich their lives, many people, in addition to making money, no longer know what their real goal in life is and vaguely do not know themselves.

3. Addicted to comparison

Modern people often invest their energy and spirit in fierce competition, including positions, houses, cars, assets, etc. Once you create the habit of always comparing yourself

7 types of psychology that reduce the feeling of living happily

Photo: OffTheLeashDogCartoons.com

4. Not knowing how to contribute

A study by Harvard University (USA) shows that in life, the more you help others, the happier you feel.

5. Not knowing how to be satisfied

There is a saying, `A satisfied person is always happy` (a person who knows how to have enough is always happy), but people have an insatiable greed, if they have one thing, they hope for something better, so you will constantly have to search, wander, and find something better.

6. Inability to feel happiness

Although society is increasingly developing, the souls between people are increasingly distant.

7 types of psychology that reduce the feeling of living happily

Photo: oday.vn

7. Excessive anxiety

Buying a house, buying a car, raising children, taking care of parents, etc. are always psychological burdens for people.

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