[Detoxify the mind P3] Life is full of troubles!

[Detoxify the mind P3] Life is full of troubles! 3

Lam Ha – female copywriter currently working at a large agency in the North.

Are you willing to share with us about your difficult time?

When I sat down to chat with you, I did not hesitate to share my story.

What does the experience of depression do to us?

The experience of depression is like when the pain is too much, the body will no longer feel the wound.

[Detoxify the mind P3] Life is full of troubles!

So how did you get through that bad period? Did anyone help you?

I was fortunate to know and meet a person who later became my husband, and since then my life has changed a lot.

[Detoxify the mind P3] Life is full of troubles!

ELLE Voice

[Detoxify the mind P1] When your soul begins to speak

My husband is an extremely patient person.

So recently, why have you registered to participate in events organized by Mind Detox?

I learned about the Mind Detox project more than a year ago.

What are the experiences that impressed you the most?

The best experience that Mind Detox brings is that I have more friends and meet a psychologist.

[Detoxify the mind P3] Life is full of troubles!
[Detoxify the mind P3] Life is full of troubles!

ELLE Voice

[Detoxify the mind P2] Body and mind are one

What is your advice for overcoming your own pain?

I personally don’t have any advice because each body will require a different treatment.

What activities do you maintain an active life?

My current life is quite good.

See more:

Are you missing the signs of depression?

Unexpected benefits of depression in love

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