Keep yourself first… Facebook

Keep yourself first… Facebook 0

Every day, how much time do you spend on Facebook?

It’s hard to count, because Facebook, with its simple beginnings as just a place to share thoughts and photos with friends, has become a real `flea market`.

Recently, the world’s largest social network caused fierce controversy when conducting a study on the influence of statuses on psychology.

However, it is worth mentioning that Facebook’s above investigation was carried out without prior notice.

No one can sue Facebook, however, on the other hand, this story shows us how we have become an `easy target` for anyone who wants to exploit the spiritual life of the masses for their own benefit.

Another specific example is the ads that appear on our newsfeed every time we log in to Facebook.

A young man in the US also had a small experiment with Twitter users.

We think that our private lives have nothing to hide, we are just normal people, there are no secrets.


1. Unless you want to be a public figure, you should choose the level of visibility for each post or image.

2. To avoid unwanted people with your email finding you on Facebook, you should turn off the mode for everyone to search in Privacy Settings.

3. Have you ever found yourself suddenly `liking` a page without even knowing it?

4. Absolutely never post information such as phone number or home address on Facebook.

5. If you use a smartphone, you should turn off Local Service mode for social networking applications.

6. Avoid posting photos of children and grandchildren as well as information about them on Facebook and social networking sites.

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