Scent expert Clémence Barbie – Pure Vietnamese scent

Scent expert Clémence Barbie - Pure Vietnamese scent 0

Coming from the capital of world perfume, French girl Clémence Barbier is captivated by the grapefruit and lemongrass scent of Vietnam.

Looking very relaxed, Clémence met me on a windy morning in the fall of Hanoi, with a cup of herbal tea that she made herself.

Since she was 13 years old, she has had a strong passion for scents.

Scents and perfumes have always been a part of my life, even though I wasn’t aware of it when I was too young.

The way she names the products attracts a lot of attention because they are very local and also easily recall memories…

One of my products is called `Childhood Memories` with a sweet scent from the lavender fields of France.

The names of the products are the fragrances and flavors that I feel about that place, through stories from friends.

And you are also very right when you say that Dame Clémence in Vietnam’s products are very local.

And you are also very right when you say that Dame Clémence in Vietnam’s products are very local.

And you are also very right when you say that Dame Clémence in Vietnam’s products are very local.

Thank you for the conversation!

You have the power to make your life more beautiful, so follow your intuition.

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