Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory

Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory 2

Having been involved in the publishing industry including books, newspapers and magazines for 10 years, I have been both an observer and a part of the rapidly changing industry.

To preserve their empires, popular print newspapers had to adapt to new circumstances.

Print newspapers, once the expectation of many people around the world every morning to grasp information, have now become a slow-moving tortoise compared to Facebook’s second-to-second Newsfeed and news updates.

Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory

However, my colleagues and I still maintain the belief that newspapers and printed books will never truly die.

Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory
Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory

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Printed newspapers or magazines, moreover, give you a relaxing time.

Reading, in its deepest meaning, is to take us out of ourselves, to leave and then bring us back to the truest reality of each person.

Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory

And of course, I believe in reading paper books, because we don’t just read for the words.

My faith is not vain.

Printed newspapers, magazines, paper books: Faith is not illusory


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